The Western Swifts is an LGBTQIA+ social group in Perth who get together to play badminton, meet new people, and sometimes share a meal!
We welcome everyone from beginners to seasoned players who want to make friends and share skills. Our members span a wide range of playing levels and abilities and whatever your experience is you'll be sure to find other players right there with you.
The Western Swifts is an LGBTQIA+ social group in Perth who get together to play badminton, meet new people, and sometimes share a meal!
We welcome everyone from beginners to seasoned players who want to make friends and share skills. Our members span a wide range of playing levels and abilities and whatever your experience is you'll be sure to find other players right there with you.
Our aim is to be an inclusive and friendly space for LGBTQIA+ people from all over Perth, while learning together and building some badminton skills.
We play on Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays in South Perth and Redcliffe.. Our sessions are there to promote further diversity and inclusivity in the Perth badminton queer space. We also hold other social events throughout the year!
The Swifts are an amazing group of beautiful people that welcome you with their arms wide open to support you in many parts of your life as well as teaching you to play badminton 😊
I’m a lucky woman with a Transgender experience who is able to get out and meet new (amazing) people in an environment that's engaging and safe to be myself and relearn some old skills.
I wish I had joined sooner!
I have never been much into sports, but I have branched out recently and was very fortunate to have found this group of wonderful people... a great experience overall!
A great way to get to know the Perth community after moving here from Melbourne in 2019. A safe space for queer people to be themselves, have fun and go for delicious brunches after.
If you're keen (or a little bit curious) to play badminton, or you just want to meet new friends and network, you'll always be welcome to join in.
Visit one of our sessions to register as a new member and get your first session free! We operate on a pay-per-session basis, so your following sessions will cost $10, unless you attend our big session on Sunday which is $13.
We love new members and hope we see you soon!